DPE - Setup under Windows

How to setup The Dreaded Portal Engine under Windows

I will show how to setup the DPE using Visual Studio 2017. First get a copy of the source code from the SVN repository:


You can use Tortoise (https://tortoisesvn.net/) to download the code base. Put it in any directory, it already comes with all dependencies stored in the 3rdparty folder.

After downloading the source code, you need to build all dependencies. A build script is provided in the 3rdparty folder, just run build.bat from that folder. Make sure you have CMake installed and its executable is in your $PATH.



Compiling and Running the demos:

To test and compile the engine we will open the solution file: trunk/OpenGL tutorial.sln with Visual Studio 2017. Compile and running it should bring up the Editor. Feel free to check out the demos as well.

If you have any issues feel free to contact me!