cv_picture_cropped.pngWelcome to the professional section.

Since early 2018 I have been employed by Rebellion as an AI Programmer and am currently working on Zombie Army 4 that is set to be released early 2020!

Until 2018 I was employed by KCL as a Research Associate for the Planning Group, which is part of the Informatics department. My main research focus was to make planning technology more scalable. This work first came to the fore during my PhD work, where I developed the lifted planner L-RPG. I extended this work to Contingency Planning where I deviced a method to factorise these problems which resulted in much better scalable planners.

In this section you find all my published papers and all projects I worked and worked in as a PostDoc. You can also find my PhD work in this section. The Project section lists all projects that I have worked on. All relevant papers are listed for each project and you can find a description of these projects and my involvement in them.

My last project I worked on as a PostDoc was SQUIRREL, which aimed to develop an autonomous robot that is aware of the social-context it operates in and can interact with children. Prior projects were also heavy focused on autonomous robotics where I created and researched new AI techniques to push Planning Technology forwards. As part of these efforts I have written some 3D simulators to aid projects like PANDORA, these have been built using my 3D Engine Dreaded Portal Engine which I have worked on in the last few years as a hobby project. See the Hobby Projects section for more information.