Rebellion (AI Programming)


I have been working as an AI Programmer for Rebellion since early 2018 and working on Zombie Army 4: Dead War. This game is due to be released early 2020. It is my first AI Programming job in the Gaming Industry and I have enjoyed it thus far. Whilst technically less challenging it brings together a lot of disciplines and it has been a blast working on such a large production.


It has given me insight in how things are done in the industry and has helped me in further developing my own 3D engine as well. I have set myself a few challenges for the next 5 years:

  • Give a talk at GDC;
  • Integrate AI Planning into Rebellion's Asura Engine;
  • Create a Buddy AI;
  • Write a chapter in an AI book.


I have given a presentation at GDC about the AI Planning system I created in the Asura Engine that is used for Automated Testing!